A Christmas Out of Office Greeting from Your Favorite Characters

There’s a lot of snow in the upcoming forecast, presents wrapped under the tree, and visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads. It’s finally Christmas and we couldn’t be more excited! To celebrate this exciting weekend we thought we might dream up a few small scripts of what our favorite Christmas characters might leave as their out of office greetings as they work hard to make a magical Christmas happen. As a professional voiceover studio, we think they might go a little something like this…


santa claus puts presents under a tree after recording a christmas out of office greeting

Out of Office Greeting:
Ho! Ho! Ho! You’ve reached your good friend, Santa Claus. Our North Pole office will be closed on December 24th and 25th as we’ll be working very hard to bring presents to the children of the world. Please leave your name and a last minute wish for Christmas. We’ll do our best to make sure you have a Christmas morning you won’t soon forget!


rudolph the rednosed reindeer records a christmas out of office greeting

Out of Office Greeting:
Howdy, friend! You’ve reached the voicemail of Rudolph! I can’t come to the phone right now, as I’m out helping Santa and my reindeer pals deliver presents to all the good boys and girls. We’ll probably be out and busy all Christmas weekend, but if you leave your name and number I’ll call you once I’m back from my flight and help you in any way I can! Merry Christmas, everybody!


jack frost blows cold wind after a christmas out of office greeting

Out of Office Greeting:
Hello–you’ve reached the telephone of good ol’ Jack Frost. Sadly, I’m unavailable this week as I’m out whipping up a once-in-a-lifetime blizzard just in time for Christmas. But if you leave your name, number, and a brief message about your call–I’ll get back to you once the snow is half-melted! 

If you’d like to learn more about out of office greetings, and why it’s important to have one professionally recorded for your business—contact us after the holidays! We’d love to consult you as to why partnering with Worldly Voices is the perfect gift to give yourself in the new year.

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