After Hours Greeting from Our Favorite Halloween Characters

In our last blog we explored and played around with what we think our favorite movie monsters might leave as a professional after hours greeting. We’re excited to continue inviting their iconic voices to shine during this spooky season as we branch out to examine some spooky voice spots!  Without further adieu, here are our favorite creepy characters and the after hours greeting we think we might hear on the other end of the line.

Wednesday Addams

after hours greeting

After Hours Greeting:
Glory to the evil evening and the gloom it invites in! You’ve reached the voicemail of the Wednesday Addams. I can’t come to the phone right now because I’m off playing autopsy with my brother, Pugsly. Don’t bother leaving your name, number, or any information, I’m only interested in your immortal soul. I’ll find it. I’ll find you. I promise. 



after hours greeting

After Hours Greeting:
It’s showwwwtime!! Thanks for calling, babe. You’ve reached the ghost with the most, but I’m out having a lil bit of fun right now. Maybe I’m watching The Exorcist, maybe I’m causing a lil mayhem. Either way, if you leave your name, number, and chant my name three times out loud, I’ll get back to you. Thanks for turning on the Juice and can’t wait to see what we shake loose! 



after hours greeting

After Hours Greeting:
Hi there! You’ve reached Casper! I hope that you’re calling because you’re not too scared and are looking for some fun company. Remember, I’m a friendly ghost! I’d love to get to know you better and have some laughs, so please leave your name, number, and a brief message about what kind of adventure we might have, and I’ll call you back. Can’t wait to be friends! 

We hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween! If you’d like to learn more about after hours greetings and how to utilize them to the best of your ability, please contact us! We’d love to show you why partnering with Worldly Voices is the best move for you.

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