Hold the Phone: On Hold Messages & Perfecting Your VOIP

We get it. When people think of on hold messaging, the greatest experiences usually don’t jump to mind… but it doesn’t have to be like that. In fact, a recent study reported that 88% of callers preferred on hold messages to the alternatives (ahem, we’re looking at you elevator muzak). With the help of our studio (and our talented voice actors) our on hold message recording services can deliver an experience your clients will not only enjoy, but adore!

It’s so often forgotten that voice prompts for VOIP can be fun. They can entertain, they can even inspire. When you educate and entertain your callers, you are not only selling your business, you are selling your brand. This point of contact shows your customers the human side of your business, the man (or woman) behind the brick and mortar; therefore entrusting them to use your company more often. With the right script, the right IVR voice prompt, and the right voice actor, your company can reach out and entice people like never before… and we’re here to help every step of the way!

The easiest way to ensure that your VOIP on hold messaging is successful is to be natural. At our professional voice over studio, our voice actors have spent years perfecting the right auditory tone to elicit a comforted response in your audience. Remember, if you are bored or disengaged from your current on hold message, chances are your clients are too.

So freshen it up! Give them a call back option. Make your VOIP voice prompt funny or sweet. If you are looking to liven up your current on hold message, or just want to learn a little bit more about how Worldly Voices can help, feel free to contact us. We’d love to educate you on exactly why our services are right for you and your business!

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