How One Voice Can Save an Emergency

We pray it never happens, but it does. A faulty wire finally catches fire, smoke in the elevator. In one way or another, everyone must exit the building…and fast. When an emergency presents itself, there’s never warning and full panic-mode is always mere moments away. So, how do you keep calm in this situation… or more importantly, how do you keep an entire building full of people calm?

Answer: one voice.

That’s right. By using a clear and professional voice over played through an emergency broadcast system, a calm presence will guide everyone to safety. And better yet, it’s important to utilize these same professional voice overs in an IVR system as well; your safety net can be made larger and direct notifications to those who need information can spread to a wider reach than ever before.

When you use an IVR system, it connects with personnel through direct telephone interaction to quickly notify everyone of emergency situations. This can mean a number of different things: announcements of exit strategies, measures that have been put in place, or any number of messages to keep people calm and informed under this intense stress.

It comes down to one voice and a system…. and we’re here to help! If you’d like to know how our professional services can further the reach of your emergency broadcast system, feel free to contact us! We’d love to give you a consultation and show you how our professional voice over services can help.

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