How Strong Voice Over Builds Business

While the future feels unforeseen, and people feel farther away than ever due to quarantines and social distancing, it’s critical to make sure your business keeps its human touch; even when it comes to your voicemail. A professionally recorded, interactive voice response is the key to keeping business running smoothly during these hard times. But why exactly is an auto attendant IVR prompt so important? Well…we’re glad you asked.

auto attendant IVR prompt

An auto attendant routes incoming calls to the information they need while the rest of your company is busy running! Investing in your business by updating your IVR scripts (and perhaps even including a COVID-19 survey) is a great way to instill confidence in your customers, both current and potential. Voice mail recordings, interactive voice responses, and multi-language auto attendants are the perfect way to be able to give your consumers the information they are searching for while keeping your staffing costs down. By using a professional recording studio for your IVR prompt, we can ensure that your message will be heard loud and clear and that your customers feel clued in on their needs.

auto attendant IVR prompt

Plus, let’s be honest! People depend on clear, professional voices for their wants and needs, especially in times of great stress. An informed, practiced, well-paced voice gives an ease to the listener… And when people feel at ease in business, they are more likely to become repeat customers. A real human voice is absolutely necessary when it comes to auto attendant IVR prompts. By hiring a professional voice over studio to cast talent and master your IVR prompts, your business has a greater chance of succeeding through these unprecedented times.

Auto attendant IVR prompt

If you think that your business can benefit from updating their auto attendant or IVR prompts with our professional voice over services, please contact us! We would be happy to discuss the many ways that Worldly Voices is the right fit for your needs.

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