How Voice Over Can Help Build Business After COVID

professional voice over services

It’s no secret: the world we live in is experiencing unprecedented times. We are learning to expect the unexpected. To pivot as best we can, and it’s true; we don’t know how long the current global pandemic will last (or what lasting societal effects it will have after), but we do know that many aspects of consumerism will be changed forever. In fact, many have already been changed for the greater good. So, how does professional voice over services fit into all this? Well, we’re glad you asked…

phone trees

We’ve been seeing organizations take great care to safely deploy new ways to help both workers and customers safely and effectively do business. And while masks and gloves are important for essential employees, what happens next for most businesses that choose to continue their work from afar…or over the phone? Sure, we’ve seen a rise in Zoom meetings, but not every business can operate in this manner, particularly with customers. We predict seeing a raise in professional on hold messaging and new scripts to direct the amount of phone traffic the world has seen since this has started. In-home data usage went up 18% in the first month alone!

on hold messaging

A resurgence of phone trees would be a good place to start to accommodate this new change in consumerism. Professional voice over services makes these phone trees happen. Pre-recorded voice productions inside our studio are tapped into an automated information system that callers can get real information in real time: something the world needs a lot more of right now. The more the caller responds and interacts, the more information is provided. It’s a win-win in the age of COVID for both businesses and consumers alike.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to get your business back to better-than-ever after lockdown, feel free to contact us! We’d love to show you the many ways that Worldly Voices professional voice over services can give a giant leap to helping getting business back on track.

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