Important Audio Scripts to Benefit Your Phone System

We’ve been in business for more than 20 years and let us tell you: every profession we work with is different. From small, local businesses to large corporations and hospitals, we’ve truly seen and serviced them all. No stone left unturned and no voicemail greeting left unrecorded! This is also exactly how we know that individual businesses have individual needs… Especially when it comes to custom voice prompt recordings. But if we’re being honest, there are some voice recording services that every business can benefit from having in their repertoire…from the smallest to the large. Here are three of the most important audio recording scripts to benefit your business:

1. On-Hold Messages

custo voice prompt

There are many reasons that on-hold messages are a custom voice prompt that every business would benefit from having. One being that they’re informative and essential to staying in touch with your clientele! In fact, one important reason for these recordings is that they give customers important information they need without driving them away with soul-killing elevator muzak! How many of us have rolled our eyes at terrible on-hold music? Too many of us! People are generally already busy with a million things when they take the time to phone a business, so on-hold message scripts are generally written in full paragraphs so as not to leave anything out for the caller. This way, they get the most bang for their buck in terms of time. They are explanatory and helpful. The voice actor who records the script makes sure the cadence is crystal clear in their delivery. This is one of those professional voice recordings that boost confidence in customers who do business with you, and definitely something that every successful business can’t go without.

2. IVR Prompts

custom voice prompts

One voice recording service for phone systems we’ve seen tremendous success for with larger businesses are IVR prompts. IVR prompts and auto attendant greetings are a great and cost-effective way to help get your customer from A to B without breaking the bank or tying up your phone lines. These scripts not only warmly greet your customers, but they then help navigate them through various menus until they reach their desired destination. This custom voice prompt takes away all the guessing about who is on what extension. Our professional voice talent guides the caller firmly and boldly. This recording holds the client’s hand until they no longer need the guidance. They are then free to conduct their business and go about their day without even a hint of frustration. It works! Trust us on this one. The larger your company grows…the more you need an IVR prompt recording.

3. Voicemail Greetings

custom on hold message

One of the more important custom voice prompt recordings that a business can have is a voicemail greeting. Now, we know this one might seem silly at first glace, but upon further investigation this is the first encounter that someone might have with your place of business. Especially if they call when business hours are closed. A professionally recorded voicemail greeting script will be short and sweet. Our talented voice actor will greet your client with pure professionalism and straightforwardly instruct the caller to leave a message and you will call them back at your earliest convenience. And let’s be honest, you will call them back! This is a great way to show your audience you mean what you say. Start off on the right foot with a professionally recorded voicemail greeting and you might have a customer for life!

If you’d like to learn more about the many kinds of custom voice prompt recordings we offer, contact us! We’d love to show you how each and every prompt has a distinct purpose that can help you succeed in your business.

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