Out of Office Greetings for Summer Holidays

Warm weather is quickly approaching, humidity is creeping in, and summer itself is on the horizon. Be honest, is your business totally ready? It can be! Summer holidays can be especially tricky to navigate for business owners when it comes to making their clientele well aware of special summer hours. With the right out of office greetings for summer holidays, you’ll never have to worry about leaving your audience in the dark as the sun shines bright! Here’s a few examples of professional voiceover scripts for out of office greetings that will help bring new dimensions to customer communication:

Memorial Day

Out of Office Greeting:

Hello there! You’ve reached [insert name of business]. Our office/shop will be closed Monday, May 29th to honor America’s soldiers for Memorial Day and will reopen on Tuesday May 30th for our normal hours. Please leave your name, number, and your reason for calling and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks so much and have a great day!



Out of Office Greeting:

Hello there! You’ve reached the voicemail of [insert business name]. We will be closed this month on Monday, June 18th to allow our staff to celebrate Juneteenth with our families. If you’d like to visit our store please come see us [insert business hours here] or leave your name and number after the beep and we can answer any questions we might have once we’re back in the office. Thank you for your business and we look forward to helping you!


Fourth of July

Out of Office Greeting:


Hello and happy Independence Day from all of us here at [insert business name]! We are closed this week for vacation and to celebrate the Fourth of July with our loved ones, but if you leave your name, number, and a brief message about the reason for your call, we will have one of our friendly and helpful staff get back to you first thing Monday when we are back in office. We appreciate your understanding and hope you enjoy this incredible holiday!

These are just a few examples of ways you can create out of office greetings for summer holidays, but always remember that when you have these VOIP messages recorded and produced by trained professionals (like us) you are assured to get a better outcome and build trust with your audience–remember, many times these voicemails can be the first time someone might reach out to you and hear your brand’s voice!

If you’d like to learn more about out of office greetings and how professional voice recording is an asset to any business, please contact us! We’d love to show you how partnering with Worldly Voices is the right call for your summer.

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