Professional Auto-Attendants That Will Help Your Business

It’s no secret that professional auto-attendant messages are the key to providing exquisite customer support. And of the thousands of professional messages we’ve recorded in our 20+ years of business, these are by far some of our favorites to produce. So we wanted to take some time and show some love to one of the many unsung heroes in the voiceover world that consistently benefits businesses both small and corporate alike. Here three kinds of auto-attendant IVR prompts we can’t get enough of:

  1. Incoming Call Answer and Greeting Messages

professional auto-attendant recording

Trust us when we say professional voice recording for auto-attendants wouldn’t be where it is today without incoming call and greeting messages for businesses. It’s essential  to establish care and support for clientele, even before and after hours, and the best way to establish this connection is to have an all-star voicemail greeting system. Remember that 75% of all incoming calls are not answered on the customer’s first attempt, so in many ways this is the first time they will interact with your business! By having professional auto-attendant greetings you can make sure that your customers are well taken care of even when you and your staff are busy doing other things.

2. Call Transfer & Routing Option Prompts

call routing options

When it comes to synchronicity and flow of business nothing can beat an auto-attendant call transfer and routing option. This essential voice recording service can help you chart the entire call flow of your customer from beginning to end. This way you can ensure they have a flawless experience. Customers can move fluidly from business hours to scheduling an appointment, or flow swiftly from department information to voicemail greeting. Whatever your business offers, a professional auto-attendant call transfer can route them to where they need to be with speed and precision.

3. On-Hold Messages

on hold messages

No list of professional auto-attendant recordings would be complete without on-hold messages. This staple of the industry is the perfect opportunity for any business to turn wasted time into a potential opportunity. By educating your customer on the positive aspects of your business, an on-hold call can transform into a list of promotions, seasonal specials, and upcoming events. On-hold messages are one of our favorite ways to help people grow their business and give our voice talent an opportunity to shine bright.

If you’d like to learn more about Worldly Voices or different ways that professional voiceover can help your business, please contact us! We’d love to show you the many ways we can help.

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