Translation Services for Automated Phone Surveys

translation services for automated phone surveys

In previous blogs we discussed how important certified translation greetings are for businesses like doctor’s offices and government services. However, we really believe in accessibility for all, and that communication with clients who speak a different language doesn’t stop at initial contact. I mean, you want to get feedback from your clients on their experience with you, right? So, we’ve compiled a few reasons why we believe in the power of translation services for automated surveys is the next step in boosting your client communications.

1) Surveys Don’t Lie!

translation services for automated phone surveys

First and foremost, let’s borrow a note from Family Feud and take a look at the board to see why survey translations are a wonderful addition to your phone system messaging. It turns out the survey says…that survey numbers never lie! Translation services for automated phone surveys are a great way to get feedback from a wide variety of customers—especially if many of your customers are international or don’t speak English as their primary language. Phone surveys themselves are a quick and easy way to garner this feedback so you can know what is most and least important to your clientele.

2) Feedback is Crucial to Better Business

translation services for automated phone surveys

So what do you do once you get this feedback from customers? Cater to it! Translation services for automated phone systems allow you to get crucial and detailed feedback from clients who might not normally be allowed a voice in the survey process. By catering to the specific feedback of these larger demographics, you will have a wider and more clarified idea of what matters most to your entire customer base. Once you receive this information, you can adapt to your clients needs and rest assured that your business will never miss a sale.

3) More Translations = Farther Reach

translation services for automated surveys

Sure, the reasons listed above are enough to love translation services for automated phone surveys. However, the real reason we love to record and produce these is because it allows our clients to reach more customers than they ever have before! These phone surveys give customer outreach a whole new meaning, and they are a great way to reach a customer base you might not even know you have yet. 

If you’d like to learn more about translation services for automated phone systems, or any other translation voice recording we provide, please reach out! We’d love to show you the many ways partnering with Worldly Voices is the right choice for your business.

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