Voice Recording for Florists

voice recording for florists

It’s summer and we are ready for all the pretty things to BLOOM! Including your business! Now, in previous blogs we’ve discussed how the wide-world of voice recording helps businesses both big and small, but did you know it can also make the world a bit more beautiful? It absolutely can, which is why one of our favorite businesses to partner with is the floral business. In fact, professional voice recording for florists is how many keep up with those big holiday demands! Be it Mother’s Day or sending a little bit of pretty to your Valentine to show you care, voiceover services for florists are a must to make sure your customers are covered with those perfect petals.

voice recording for florists

You might be wondering: why florists? Well, many florists are small, locally-owned businesses where owners help with every aspect of the work. It’s an all-hands-on-deck type of business…and who can blame them! The world definitely seems like a better place with a beautiful arrangement of flowers in it. However, if decision makers (such as business owners/managers) are at a wedding, carefully building a giant flower arch for a happy couple to stand underneath, where does that leave the customers who are calling to inquire about their order? How can they be sure that this business will take their order into careful consideration? How can they receive or impart the information they need in a timely manner? Professional voice recording for florists, that’s how!

voice recording for florists

Professional voice recording for florists allows the floral industry to never miss a beat. They can build bouquets, create copious arrangements, and still make sure their customers are heard and satisfied. By adding professional voiceover to their phone systems, customers can be led through a voice automated system that allows them to check on wedding orders, personal deliveries, or even better, place a change to an order that the team will receive before ever-checking their email. It’s a must-have for all small florists that want to keep up in their high-demand industry. Especially around those big holiday rushes!

We always love helping out small businesses that help make the world a bit more beautiful, so if you’d like to learn more about voice recording for florists, or other voiceover services that might boost your floral business, please contact us! We’d love to show you how partnering with Worldly Voices is the best call you can make to help your business bloom! 

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