Voice Recording Services for Black Friday and Beyond

black friday voice recording services

Can you believe it’s already the middle of November? Thanksgiving is next week! This year has really flown by and it’s hard to believe the holidays are right around the corner! If we weren’t thinking ahead about all the ways we can help out this season, we wouldn’t believe it either. In fact, as the holiday season fast approaches we know retailers everywhere are scrambling and gearing up fast for the biggest shopping day of the year. Which makes us wonder, are the voice messages at your business prepared to control the chaos of Black Friday shoppers?

black friday voice recording services

Fear not if you aren’t ready yet. As voiceover professionals who have helped businesses build their communications for more than 20yrs, we have the perfect marketing solution for you. Just add a custom voice recording service or two to your business line so you can make sure your customers (and staff) are taken care of next week while the insanity of Black Friday rains down.

We know implementing new marketing strategies this time of year isn’t easy, but adding a custom on-hold message or informational voicemail makes all the difference when it comes to meeting the needs of your customers–and it’s way easier on your staff in the long run. 

on-hold messages

Let’s face it: we’re coming out of a hard couple years of social distancing, and it is an especially important year to update these messages for new and returning customers to make sure you maintain those vocal connections with people who want to shop with you–it could make the difference between keeping and losing that point of sale. By doing something as simple as updating information regarding store hours, sales, extension lines, and language translations, you are giving your customers on the end of the line the gift of retail knowledge–while also not tying up a portion of your in-store staff. 

A new voicemail to capture the attention of brand new customers should be top of the list this year for your Black Friday strategy so people can feel calm and heard knowing your staff will call them back promptly. If you are interested in learning how our incredible team of voiceover talent can help your business shine bright this Black Friday, contact us! We’d love to talk about the many ways that partnering with Worldly Voices will benefit your business and beyond.

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