Voicemail Greetings for Thanksgiving

voicemail greeting for thanksgiving shows a pumpkin on a exquisitely wrapped set of china with a fancy napkin

Now that Halloween is over, the holiday season has officially begun!! We couldn’t be more excited with all we have planned with the studio this holiday season, but first: we wanted to give back. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we thought it might be helpful to offer some sample scripts of voicemail greetings for Thanksgiving. When professionally recorded with a voiceover studio like ours, these greetings can make all the difference!

1) Closed for the Holiday

voicemail greeting for thanksgiving, a sign reads we will be closed on thanksgiving

If you’re a business that will be closed Thanksgiving for the entirety of Thanksgiving weekend, it’s essential you let your clients know. Quick and friendly voicemail greetings for Thanksgiving are sure to do the trick. Perhaps something a little like this: 

Good afternoon and thank you for calling [business name]! We’re closed for the holiday weekend, but if you leave your name, number, and a brief message in regards to your call we will make sure to get back to you on Monday when we return to the office. Have a great Thanksgiving!

2) Closed on Thanksgiving, Open Black Friday

voicemail greeting for thanksgiving shows a black sign with yellow and white letters that read black friday

Many businesses this year will be closed on Thanksgiving day, however, they will be open and running some incredible deals for Black Friday! Use voicemail greetings for Thanksgiving to let your audience know the scoop, and as an opportunity to plug your Black Friday specials:

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving! You’ve reached [business name]. We’re closed today to celebrate the holiday with our loved ones, but we will be open tomorrow with special Black Friday deals starting at [percentage] off! Have a wonderful day and we look forward to helping you tomorrow.

3) Informing of any Delays in Business

voicemail greeting for thanksgiving with old fashioned sign that says please stand by

Companies that do most of their business online may want to use voicemail greetings for Thanksgiving as an opportunity to let their customers know there could be a delay in communication due to the holiday hustle. This can be especially helpful if Black Friday is spent packing and fulfilling online orders and gathering inventory for shipment. Something like this could do the trick:

Hello there! You’ve reached [business name]. Our business hours for this week are [insert hours here]. Due to an overwhelming number of Black Friday customers, we may not be able to take your call during this time–our hands are busy with your orders! Please leave your name, number, and a brief message regarding your call and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a great day and Happy Thanksgiving! 

It’s important to remember with these scripts that it’s not just the words, but the tone and the delivery of the message that is important. Commissioning a professional voice studio like ours will ensure that your message is delivered by some of the most talented voiceover actors in the biz! If you’d like to learn more, please contact us. We’d love to show you why partnering with Worldly Voices is the right choice for your business. 

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