Hold the Phone: On Hold Messages & Perfecting Your VOIP

We get it. When people think of on hold messaging, the greatest experiences usually don’t jump to mind… but it doesn’t have to be like that. In fact, a recent study reported that 88% of callers preferred on hold messages to the alternatives (ahem, we’re looking at you elevator muzak). [...]

How to Find Your Narrative Voice

Back to school season will be here before you know it, and e-learning is more popular than ever. But not all e-learning courses are created equally. A well-organized and successful e-learning course will have several components: multimedia presentations, cohesive lesson plans, and of course, the perfect narrative voice. If you [...]

How to Write a Great Voice Over Script

It’s no secret that writing for audio recording is a very specific kind of writing, and quite different than writing an essay for history class or a letter to send to a friend. Since we’ve been recording voice over scripts for more than 20 years here in Nashville, we’ve got [...]

2 Easy Ways to Improve Your Voice Over Technique

It’s no secret that our studio is located right in the heart of Nashville, or that we’ve been here for more than 20 years recording some of the best voice over this town has to offer. Though music might take center stage here in Nashville, any recording studio worth its [...]

How One Voice Can Save an Emergency

We pray it never happens, but it does. A faulty wire finally catches fire, smoke in the elevator. In one way or another, everyone must exit the building...and fast. When an emergency presents itself, there’s never warning and full panic-mode is always mere moments away. So, how do you keep [...]

How to Make the Most of Your E-Learning Voice Over

1. Flip the Script Before we ever sit down and hit the record button, you first want to outline a very detailed script of the exact information you’ll want included in the voice over, so your students get the most out of their E-learning experience. Writing down key objectives and [...]

The Benefit of Automated Messages in E-Learning

Are you looking to enhance the value of your E-Learning organization? School might be out for the summer, but be ready to take your best notes... Because class is in-session! We’ve got a couple of excellent reasons why a professional automated voice message system would be a major benefit your [...]

Help Your Patients Stay on Track with Automated Voice Messages

Home life. Personal life. Professional life. Admit it: our lives stay full. We lead crazy, busy lives. So many mundane things get in the way of the important dates. So many big things. Those little errands and unexpected long days. The lack of sleep that makes everything fuzzy. They push [...]

The Transformative Power of Automated Messages

The global banking industry is ever-growing and the need for more connection and the understanding to navigate this world grows with it. We’ve got a few reasons why our certified voice translations make sense to improve your business: 1) Experience a Wave of Productivity Look at it this way: if [...]

How Certified Voice Translations Can Benefit Your Ecommerce

Take a moment (if you will) and calculate the number of hours you spend online a day. Now, multiply that and find your number for the week.  How much of that percentage are you searching for online purchases? Any kind of online purchase? With Facebook and Instagram advertising at an [...]

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