After Hours Greetings & Why Businesses Need Them

Imagine this: It’s dinner time. The kids are running around the house letting out the last of their energy for the day. The tv blasts a familiar sitcom from the living room. You’re in the kitchen cooking lasagna and doing a mental inventory of what still needs to be done [...]

How to Save Your Voice When the Seasons Change

The end of August always feels like a shift in season. The humidity of the summer backs off, the temps drop (even if only slightly), and the nights get a bit more cool, a bit more chilly as we sneak our way into a new season. So, how do our [...]

Professional Voice Prompts and Why They’re Important

When people often think of “voiceover,” their minds immediately fly to cartoons, to TV commercials, or to the radio advertisements they hear while commuting to work every day. And while that association is not wrong, there’s still a whole world of voice recording that’s working hard behind those more glamorized [...]

Voice Recording Services for Manufacturers

More than anything these days, consumers want easy answers to hard questions. If something goes wrong they want to fix it and they want to fix it fast. But what happens if the washing machine breaks and you already lost the manual? Or customer service is out of office for [...]

IVR Prompts for Utility Companies

We talk often about how voiceover work reaches far beyond what many people think. How it goes beyond commercial and narrative means to touch parts of our everyday lives most people would never dream to imagine. One of those everyday parts that voiceover can’t help but touch (and make better [...]

IVR Prompts for Credit Card Companies

In our previous blogs we’ve discussed the many ways professional voiceover services benefit companies both big and small. From long-haul trucking to local florists, our industry really does serve all. But did you know it can be even bigger than that? It can go global?? That’s right! And IVR prompts [...]

Voice Recording for Florists

It’s summer and we are ready for all the pretty things to BLOOM! Including your business! Now, in previous blogs we’ve discussed how the wide-world of voice recording helps businesses both big and small, but did you know it can also make the world a bit more beautiful? It absolutely [...]

Voice Recording Services for Credit Card Companies

Recently we’ve looked at how professional voiceover can help smaller, more local businesses thrive. In today’s blog, we’re excited to discuss some bigger picture stuff. In fact, we’ll be looking at voice recording services for credit card companies and how this industry can’t afford to not have professional voiceover on [...]

Translation Services for Automated Phone Surveys

In previous blogs we discussed how important certified translation greetings are for businesses like doctor’s offices and government services. However, we really believe in accessibility for all, and that communication with clients who speak a different language doesn’t stop at initial contact. I mean, you want to get feedback from [...]

Saving Your Voice from Spring Allergies

It’s April and it’s safe to say spring weather is officially in the swing of things! The flowers are bright and blooming, the pollen is popping, and (if you’re anything like us) your allergies just can’t seem to catch a break. However, just because it’s spring outside doesn’t mean voiceover [...]

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