The Comfort of a Voice During an Emergency

So, let’s be real: there is a lot going on in the world right now. Between the potential threat of COVID-19, the election cycle, and the ever-present danger of natural disasters… it’s a lot to take in… The news can be overwhelming; social media is always in an uproar. Honestly, [...]

The Storytelling Power of Voice Narration

We’ve seen it on television. We’ve seen it in the movies and films a hundred times. The flashbacks, the monologues, the moment in the script where the main actor breaks it all down for the audience. I bet you’ve even heard the same voice over from the same movie more [...]

Spanish Voice Overs and Why They Matter

The United States of America. The great melting pot. We are a country made up of many different people and we at Worldly Voices think that’s a pretty beautiful thing. In fact, in many cities, you can walk down the street and hear a variety of different languages at any [...]

Lending A Voice To Education

So, if you’re keeping up, you know that in our last blog we predicted how eLearning and educational voice overs are going to be a big hit in 2020…. But you might be wondering: how? It’s simple! Technology is constantly advancing. The way people consume information is constantly changing and [...]

Top Voiceover Trends for 2020

Let’s face it: voices have always dominated mainstream media. From the iconic and wise voice of Morgan Freeman to the off-the-wall Robin Williams to the haunting Vincent Price, you can’t escape the way a voice gets in your head...and stays there. Even the newest additions of voices in technology (Alexa, [...]

The Famous Voices of Christmas Past

Picture it: the day is merry and bright, cheer is all around and in the hearts of our loved ones, and Christmas Eve is finally here! Now, whether or not Santa leaves a present or coal under your stocking isn’t our business, but you can be sure that a few [...]

Best Voice Over Practices for 2020

We at Worldly Voices have happily provided professional recording services worldwide for more than 20 years, and in a plethora of different languages. From IVR to VOIP and beyond, we have gathered a team of talent that we’re immensely proud to share with the world and that we learn from [...]

The Gift of Voice This Holiday Season

Winter marches onward and our holiday voice over coverage continues. In our last blog, we covered how professional voice over and IVR recording services for eCommerce are hugely beneficial, but did you know that as a voice over talent your gifts can BE a gift this holiday season? That’s right! [...]

Give a New Voice to Black Friday This Year

November is in full swing which means just one thing… Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend is quickly approaching!! But how can you capture the attention of customers when almost every store in America is running enormous sales? It’s easy: by using custom IVR recordings for eCommerce and giving your customers that [...]

The Spooky Voices of Halloween

The wind has picked up, bright leaves scatter the ground, and spooky season is finally here! We at Worldly Voices love to celebrate holidays, so we thought we’d take a break from our regularly scheduled tips and tricks to celebrate some of our all-time favorite voices of Halloween. Come along [...]

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